Any type of head injury is serious, even if it’s a seemingly minor concussion. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have long-term consequences, especially if you sustain another head injury later in life. You have legal rights when another party’s actions or inaction caused your brain injury. If someone else’s negligence caused you harm, please speak with a Conyers brain injury lawyer at MG Law. While no amount of money can undo the trauma you experienced, compensation can help ease the financial burdens your injury has caused you.
The brain injury lawyers at MG Law stand ready to help when you need it. We understand this is a stressful and emotional time for you and your family. It would be best to concentrate on your recovery and not worry about handling a complicated legal claim. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to find out more about how we can help you.
Brain Injury Statistics
Brain injuries are one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s estimated that 1.7 million people suffer traumatic brain injuries every year. Of these cases, more than 50,000 people pass away from complications of a brain injury, and 275,000 need hospitalization. About 80% of people with a traumatic brain injury require emergency room treatment. Recent statistics indicate that TBI-related deaths are rising, with over 64,000 people dying in 2020.
Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Our Conyers brain injury lawyers have represented victims who suffered TBIs in many different kinds of accidents. Some of the most causes of TBIs include the following:
- Motor vehicle accidents;
- Slip-and-fall accidents;
- Sports-related injuries;
- Medical malpractice; and
- Military-related trauma.
You can pursue compensation for a TBI caused by any type of accident or incident. The key is that someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions must have caused your brain injury for you to collect compensation.
Before receiving any compensation, you must prove the other party is liable for your injury. A Conyers brain injury lawyer at MG Law will help you maximize your potential compensation by helping you build the strongest case possible. To successfully prove liability in a negligence case, you must show the following:
- The defendant owed you a legal duty;
- The defendant breached this legal duty;
- The defendant’s breach is what caused your brain injury; and
- You suffered damages as a result.
Failure to prove even one of these elements means you won’t receive any compensation for your brain injury. That’s why hiring an experienced Conyers brain injury attorney is so important.
Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
The two main categories of traumatic brain injuries are closed and open injuries. A closed head injury means the victim did not sustain a fractured skull. Open head injuries occur when the skull is broken or punctured by a foreign object. Usually, when there is an open injury, something has penetrated the skull, such as a bullet or knife.
In these two categories, you’ll find multiple types of traumatic brain injuries. Read on to learn more about the most common types of brain injuries we represent clients for in personal injury matters.
Concussion Injuries
Concussions are common in many personal injury accidents, especially car accidents and slip and falls. This type of brain injury occurs when some force strikes your head or body and causes your head and brain to rapidly move back and forth. Your brain collides with your skull, resulting in damage. While insurance companies like to downplay concussions from a settlement perspective, you should always seek medical treatment. Victims who’ve suffered a previous concussion are at a higher risk for more severe or long-term damage when they suffer another one.
Brain Hemorrhage
Brain hemorrhages refer to uncontrolled bleeding on the brain’s surface or within the brain itself. When the bleeding is located in the cerebral matter, it’s called an intracerebral hemorrhage. A subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs in the space around the brain. Any type of hemorrhage is an extremely serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
Brain Contusions
A brain contusion is a brain bruise. This injury often happens with a concussion. If a contusion doesn’t heal, it could become a hematoma, which occurs when blood pools outside of blood vessels. Doctors might need to operate to fix a hematoma.
Intracranial Hematomas
Intracranial hematomas refer to a collection of blood within the skull. A burst blood vessel is usually to blame. Blood can pool underneath the skull or in the brain tissue. Intracranial hematomas are categorized as follows:
- An epidural hematoma is the collection of blood between the brain and skull;
- A subdural hematoma is the collection of blood under the brain’s protective layer; and
- An intracerebral hematoma is the collection of blood within the brain.
While some intracranial hematomas are minor, they can be life-threatening and require immediate treatment. Surgical intervention might be necessary to remove the pooling blood.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries
Diffuse axonal injuries (DAIs) can be more severe than other brain injuries. A DAI is an injury that occurs when your brain twists or shakes inside the skull. When the brain twists, the cerebral matter is tossed back and forth until axons rip, causing a loss in brain function. Axons are the brain’s connecting fibers, and tearing is called axonal shearing. These tears are microscopic, making them challenging to detect in imaging studies.
Coup-Contrecoup Injuries
Coup and contrecoup are French words meaning “blow” and “counterblow.” A coup-contrecoup is serious and is technically two injuries in one. An example of a coup-contrecoup injury is when your head hits the steering wheel during an accident. Your brain moves forward, striking the front of the skull during impact. Then as your head is forced backward, the brain strikes the back of the skull, creating a second impact.
Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms
Brain injuries are more common in accidents than you might realize. It’s important to know what the potential symptoms of a brain injury are so you can recognize warning signs if you or a loved one is injured in an accident. Some symptoms might appear immediately following an accident, while others might take days or even weeks to manifest.
Symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury can include the following:
- Headache,
- Nausea,
- Vomiting,
- Speech problems,
- Fatigue,
- Drowsiness,
- Balance issues or dizziness,
- Blurred vision,
- Sensitivity to light,
- Ringing in ears,
- Sensitivity to sound,
- Difficulty sleeping,
- Mood changes,
- Concentration problems,
- Memory issues,
- Depression or anxiety, and
- Brief loss of consciousness.
Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury symptoms can include:
- Persistent headache,
- Longer loss of consciousness,
- Seizures or convulsions,
- Repeated nausea or vomiting,
- Difficulty waking from sleep,
- Slurred speech,
- Agitation or combativeness,
- Profound confusion,
- Numbness or weakness in fingers and toes,
- Dilated pupil or pupils,
- Fluid draining from the ears or nose,
- Coordination issues, and
- Coma.
With brain injuries, it’s crucial to get treatment right away. In some circumstances, immediate medical treatment can reduce the long-term effects of a brain injury.
Contact a Brain Injury Lawyer in Conyers, GA
When you or someone you love suffers a traumatic brain injury due to another party’s actions, it’s essential to take legal action. Brain injuries can be costly to treat. If someone else is at fault for your damages, you shouldn’t have to struggle to cover your medical expenses, especially if you can’t work. When you hire a Conyers brain injury lawyer at MG Law, we’ll be there for you every step of the way and help you fight for the compensation you deserve. We’ll handle all the challenging legal aspects of your injury so you can concentrate on your recovery and getting back to work. Start your case by contacting us to schedule a free consultation. Our skilled legal team will review your case and explain all of your legal options.